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About Us

RN-BSN, MDS-CT, C-DON; Kelly Ancar

Kelly Ancar


  • Kelly's Linkedin Profile

Owner & CEO

Throughout a combined 30 years of healthcare experience, our family has witnessed many examples of elderly people leaving their home under a crisis, believing there were no alternatives.

Our family-owned business, Amazing Grace Homecare, was born to address this need.

CFO; Isaac North

Isaac North



  • Isaac's Linkedin Profile

Owner & CFO

My name is Isaac David North and I was born and raised in Hays, KS. I transferred from FHSU to the University of Phoenix where I earned my BSB in Business Management. I transferred because I was working full-time and my work and school schedules completely clashed. Later I attended Liberty University where I earned my MDiv with honors in Pastoral Ministries.


My professional career is somewhat eclectic. I have an extensive background working in customer service, healthcare, sales, and finance but I am mostly interested in helping people and glorifying God in any way I can. It is for those reasons, that I joined my Mother and business partner in starting Amazing Grace Homecare. Everyday I get to function as a conduit for the Lord’s provision and it is amazing!


I also enjoy reading, learning, and martial arts. Currently, I also serve as Chief Instructor of Sun Yi’s Academy of Tae Kwon Do in Hays.


Tori Flax​



  • Tori's Linkedin Profile

Owner & Secretary

I have been with Amazing Grace Homecare since its inception in one way or another. I can still remember when Mom was telling me her idea and asking me to design the company logo. From there, I have served many roles in our time together. From scheduling to referrals, to intake, to caregiving, to Human Resources Director, and everything in between... except for payroll and finances. Thankfully my big brother takes care of that!


In 2020 I, for the second time, heard God telling me I was meant to be a nurse and I was wasting my life. I finally listened and left the HR world to pursue a calling in the medical industry. In 2023 I earned my LPN and hope to go back to school to get my BSN very soon. Wish me luck!

Meet The Owners

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